수퍼스타칼리지 융합학부
교수연구동 518호
- 전북대학교 식품영양학 학사(2018) - 고려대학교 생명공학과 석사(2020) - 고려대학교 생물공학 박사(2022)
- 2024.9 임용
- 2023.01 - 2024. 08 Clemson University 박사후연구원
- 푸드테크 nano encapsulation (drug delivery system) - 영양 개인맞춤화 3D food print - 대체육
푸드테크, 스마트팜, 기초생물학, 분자생물학, 환경미생물학, 조직특성학
- Coaxial 3D printing for customized orodispersible film based on an embedding system with curcumin liposome and phycocyanin - Application of UV-Vis-NIR and FTIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics for quality prediction of katsuobushi based on the number of smoking treatments - Customized oral mucosal adhesive film applied with β-carotene-loaded delivery systems using an embedded 3D printing method - Customized oral mucosal adhesive film-based functional-substance delivery system using embedded 3D printing method